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Shares of ETFs are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the fund. The returns shown do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Toute décision fondée sur l’information contenue dans le présent site est la responsabilité exclusive du visiteur. Les renseignements sur les comptes ne sont pas vérifiés et, à moins d’avis contraire, peuvent être fondés sur des estimations. I consult or invest on behalf of a financial institution. Please review our Privacy Policy, which is a part of this Agreement and hereby incorporated by reference, to learn about our information collection practices and the measures we take to preserve the privacy and security of your information. Les titres du fonds ne sont pas couverts par la Société d’assurance-dépôts du Canada ni par aucun autre organisme gouvernemental d’assurance-dépôts. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, or use the content of this Website for public or commercial purposes, including all text, images, audio, and video, without BlackRock's written permission. Business Involvement metrics are designed only to identify companies where MSCI has conducted research and identified as having involvement in the covered activity. Decisions based on information contained on this Website are the sole responsibility of the visitor. The data and calculations contained in the "Brokers and Dealers" section, as applicable, are believed to be accurate, but no assurance can be given in this regard. Fidelity may add or waive commissions on ETFs without prior notice. ©2020 BlackRock, Inc. BLACKROCK, BLACKROCK SOLUTIONS, BUILD ON BLACKROCK, ALADDIN, iSHARES, iBONDS, FACTORSELECT, iTHINKING, iSHARES CONNECT, FUND FRENZY, LIFEPATH, SO WHAT DO I DO WITH MY MONEY, INVESTING FOR A NEW WORLD, BUILT FOR THESE TIMES, the iShares Core Graphic, CoRI and the CoRI logo are trademarks of BlackRock, Inc., or its subsidiaries in the United States and elsewhere. Rates of return shown in this site are used only to illustrate the effects of the compound growth rate and are not intended to reflect future values of the iShares ETFs or returns on investment in the iShares ETFs. 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Sustainability Characteristics can help investors integrate non-financial, sustainability considerations into their investment process. These risks often are heightened for investments in emerging/developing markets or in concentrations of single countries. Les présentes conditions d’utilisation représentent l’intégralité de l’accord conclu entre BlackRock et l’utilisateur portant sur l’objet des présentes. Notify BlackRock immediately if you become aware of any disclosure, loss, theft or unauthorized use of your PIN. This material is intended for information purposes only, and does not constitute investment advice, a recommendation or an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities, funds or strategies to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. Veuillez lire le prospectus approprié avant d’investir. Veuillez lire le prospectus approprié avant d’investir. Review the MSCI methodology behind the Business Involvement metrics, using links below. The metrics are based on MSCI ESG Fund Ratings and, unless otherwise stated in fund documentation and included within a fund’s investment objective, do not change a fund’s investment objective or constrain the fund’s investable universe, and there is no indication that an ESG or Impact focused investment strategy or exclusionary screens will be adopted by a fund. Distribution Yield and 12m Trailing Yield results may have period over period volatility due to factors including tax considerations such as treatment of passive foreign investment companies (PFICs), treatment of defaulted bonds or excise tax requirements; exceptional corporate actions; seasonality of dividends from underlying holdings; significant fluctuations in fund shares outstanding; or fund capital gain distributions. Rien ne garantit que le fonds pourra maintenir une valeur liquidative fixe par titre ou que le plein montant de votre placement dans le fonds vous sera retourné. All data is from MSCI ESG Fund Ratings as of Nov 01, 2020, based on holdings as of Aug 31, 2020. Certaines parties du site Web sont protégées par mot de passe ou exigent l’établissement d’une connexion et sont réservées uniquement aux utilisateurs autorisés. iShares funds are available through online brokerage firms.All iShares ETFs trade commission free online through Fidelity. This Website is for information purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice. BlackRock est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l’égalité à l’accès à l’emploi qui s’est engagé à favoriser la diversité en milieu de travail. Vous reconnaissez et approuvez que BlackRock vous a accordé un accès limité à des fichiers particuliers appartenant aux fonds BlackRock (« Fichiers approuvés ») et vous acceptez aussi de ne pas tenter d’accéder à des fichiers informatiques autres que les Fichiers approuvés. Copies of the prospectuses may be obtained from dealers who may lawfully offer the funds in your province or territory. Le fonds n’est pas assuré par la Société d’assurance-dépôts du Canada ni par une autre entité semblable. Beginning August 10, 2020, market price returns for BlackRock and iShares ETFs are calculated using the closing price and account for distributions from the fund. However, in some instances it can reflect the location where the issuer of the securities carries out much of their business. BlackRock n’a aucun contrôle sur les sites concernés, sur les contenus qui y sont affichés ou les produits et services qui y sont offerts. Vous ne pouvez accéder sans autorisation à ces parties du site Web, ni à tout autres documents ou information protégés, par le biais de moyen qui n’ont pas été expressément mis à votre disposition par BlackRock pour votre utilisation particulière. Achieving such exceptional returns involves the risk of volatility and investors should not expect that such results will be repeated. Used with permission. The Funds are distributed by BlackRock Investments, LLC (together with its affiliates, “BlackRock”). Le contenu du présent site Web est présenté à titre d’information seulement; il ne constitue aucunement une référence pour faire des prévisions, des recherches ou obtenir des conseils en placement. Les taux de rendement figurant sur le site sont présentés uniquement dans le but d’illustrer l’incidence du taux de croissance composé et ne visent pas à refléter la valeur future des FNB iShares ni le rendement d’un placement dans des FNB iShares. L’ensemble des marques de commerce, marques de service et logos figurant sur ce site est la propriété exclusive de BlackRock et (ou) de leurs propriétaires respectifs. For more information regarding a fund's investment strategy, please see the fund's prospectus. The content contained on this Website is owned or licensed by BlackRock and its third-party information providers and is protected by applicable copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and/or other intellectual property rights. The screening applied by the fund's index provider may include revenue thresholds set by the index provider. iShares® ETFs, BlackRock mutual funds and Big Bank Big Oil Split Corp. are managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited. Free commission offer applies to online purchases of select iShares ETFs in a Fidelity account. The information on this Website does not constitute a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Funds are distributed by BlackRock Investments, LLC (together with its affiliates, “BlackRock”). Next: Previous: BY UTILIZING THE WEBSITE LOCATED"WEBSITE"), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND THAT YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THEM. En communiquant les renseignements sur le site Web, BlackRock ne prétend aucunement qu’un instrument de placement est disponible ou convient à un usage particulier. The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of large- and mid-capitalization emerging market equities. Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. Explication détaillée des types d’investisseurs. Le contenu de ce site Web est détenu ou fait l’objet d’une licence octroyée par BlackRock ou ses fournisseurs d’informations tiers; il est protégé par des droits d’auteur, des marques, des marques de service, des brevets et (ou) tout autre droit et loi de propriété. The use of the images displayed on this Website by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited. Le fonds n’est pas garanti, sa valeur varie fréquemment et son rendement passé n’est pas indicatif de son rendement à venir. Les lois de l’état de New York régissent ces conditions sans égard aux dispositions relatives aux conflits de lois. Au Canada, les fonds sont disponibles à la vente pour les investisseurs résidents seulement des provinces et des territoires où les fonds peuvent légalement être vendus. Discuss with your financial planner today. Ce contenu ne peut être affiché qu’à des fins personnelles et non commerciales. Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, and logos displayed on this Website are proprietary to BlackRock and/or their respective owners. Leave the BlackRock site for investors to explore other content. If you're new to investing, you may want to use iShares ETFs to help build a diversified portfolio. Account and Transaction Information on this Website. 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Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Neither the information, nor any opinion, contained on this Website constitutes a solicitation or offer by BlackRock or its affiliates to buy or sell any securities, futures, options or other financial instruments, nor shall any such security be offered or sold to any person in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, purchase, or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. Exposure to a broad range of developed market companies around the world, 2. As a result, it is possible there is additional involvement in these covered activities where MSCI does not have coverage. About iShares MSCI World ETF. BlackRock is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace. Transmissions à destination ou en provenance ce site Web. Certain BlackRock clients may access account information, including transactions, through this Website. Climate change is driving a profound reassessment of risk and we anticipate a significant reallocation of capital. Modification or use of the materials for any other purpose violates BlackRock's intellectual property rights. Each investment product and service referred to on this Website is intended to be made available to only residents of a jurisdiction of Canada. The iShares MSCI Global Impact ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of positive impact companies that derive a majority of their revenue from products and services that … iShares MSCI World ETF ($) The Hypothetical Growth of $10,000 chart reflects a hypothetical $10,000 investment and assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Les fonds communs de placement BlackRock, les FNB iShares et Big Bank Big Oil Split Corp. sont gérés par BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited. Les prévisions et les exemples (y compris les calculs utilisés dans les présentes) servent exclusivement à des fins d’illustration, ni leur exactitude, ni leur exhaustivité ne sont garanties. If you do not qualify under one of the preceding categories, you are not permitted to access the institutional investor section of this website. BlackRock expressly disclaims all liability for errors and omissions in the materials on this Website and for the use or interpretation by others of information contained on the Website. MSCI … Read more in our Global Outlook. Please note, this security will not be marginable for 30 days from the settlement date, at which time it will automatically become eligible for margin collateral. 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Internet software or transmission problems may produce inaccurate or incomplete copies of information and materials that may be downloaded and displayed on a user's computer. This and other information can be found in the Funds' prospectuses or, if available, the summary prospectuses, which may be obtained by visiting the iShares ETF and BlackRock Fund prospectus pages. Bonds are included in US bond indices when the securities are denominated in U.S. dollars regardless of the domicile of the issuer. The funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Trademarks, Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property. 3 The ETF provides broad exposure to a range of mostly … Use Shift+Tab keys to browse. If you download any information from this Website, you agree that you will not copy it or remove or obscure any copyright or other notices or legends contained in any such information. © 2019 BlackRock, Inc. Tous droits réservés. The document contains information on options issued by The Options Clearing Corporation. IF YOU LIVE IN A STATE THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR IF YOU ACCESS THE WEBSITE SOLELY THROUGH AN ARRANGEMENT WITH YOUR EMPLOYER OR PLAN SPONSOR, SOME OR ALL OF THESE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Aucun contenu de ce site ne saurait être interprété comme conférant par allusion, estoppel ou autrement, une licence ou un droit d’utiliser une marque de commerce affichée sur ce site Web sans l’autorisation écrite de BlackRock ou du tiers possédant la marque de commerce affichée sur ce site Web. Accordingly, you may not copy, distribute, modify, post, frame or deep link this Website, including any text, graphics, video, audio, software code, user interface design or logos. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investing in iShares ETFs. With the exception of BlackRock Index Services, LLC, who is an affiliate, BlackRock Investments, LLC is not affiliated with the companies listed above.Neither FTSE nor NAREIT makes any warranty regarding the FTSE NAREIT Equity REITS Index, FTSE NAREIT All Residential Capped Index or FTSE NAREIT All Mortgage Capped Index; all rights vest in NAREIT. BlackRock offers a range of solutions for institutions, financial professionals and individuals across the Canada. Use to diversify internationally and seek long-term growth in your portfolio. 1 WRI (May 2020), Water: mapping, measuring and mitigating global water challenges. En aucun cas, les titres en question ne peuvent être offerts ou vendus à quiconque dans une juridiction où une telle offre, sollicitation, vente ou un tel achat seraient illégaux en vertu des lois sur les valeurs mobilières en vigueur dans la juridiction concernée. The iShares Premium Money Market ETF (CMR) is managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited. You shall not display hyperlinks on your websites to any website owned or operated by BlackRock. BlackRock is a global investment manager dedicated to your financial well-being. BlackRock expressly disclaims any and all implied warranties, including without limitation, warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The iShares MSCI ACWI ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of large and mid-capitalization developed and emerging market equities. 1 in 4 people globally live in regions at risk of water scarcity – where demand exceeds supply. As a global investment manager and fiduciary to our clients, our purpose at BlackRock is to help everyone experience financial well-being. None of these companies make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Funds. Tax, investment and all other decisions should be made, as appropriate, only with guidance from a qualified professional. Liens depuis d’autres sites vers BlackRock. Additional information about the sources, amounts, and terms of compensation can be found in the ETF’s prospectus and related documents. 1-888-Options ( 1-888-678-4667 ) and are restricted to authorized users only or the in. Information contenue dans le présent site ne constitue un conseil d ’ autres sites exploités par tiers... And governance ( ESG ) risks and opportunities conflits de lois including charting and trades, 2 as an representative! Autorisée par vous est interdite waive commissions on ETFs without prior notice mutual funds Big! Strictly prohibited ’ ordre fiscal, juridique ou en assurance ni une recommandation de placement pertes de valeur... Documents, and TERMS of compensation can be intercepted by third parties and, accordingly, transmissions to and this! 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