(c) Copies of each ministerial statement shall be delivered to the Leaders of recognized Opposition Parties, or their representatives, at or before the time the statement is made in the House. (h) No amendment may be made to a motion under this Standing Order. The Rules are published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel. 13. At the end of this time the Speaker shall without further debate or amendment put every question necessary to dispose of the motion. (e) When an evening meeting period has been scheduled on a government motion as provided in Standing Order 7(d), the evening meeting period shall begin following the conclusion of the adjournment proceeding under this Standing Order. A minister of the Crown shall lay on the Table a certificate stating that the Lieutenant Governor in Council intends to appoint a person to an agency, board or commission or to the board of directors of a corporation, together with a copy of the position description and a summary of the person’s qualifications, which documents shall be deemed to be referred to the Committee. (k) No Leader of a recognized Party in the House or minister of the Crown shall be eligible to be nominated to the office of Speaker. (a) Standing Committees set out in Standing Orders 1. 67. (i) Within 24 Sessional days of its presentation, the government shall file a response to a petition with the Clerk of the House and shall provide a copy of the response to the member who presented the petition. In addition to the Speaker’s allotment of questions to independent members under this Standing Order, the Speaker may also allot to independent members the slots for what would otherwise be the fourth and fifth questions allotted to government members. (b) When a bill has been amended in any Committee it shall be reprinted as the Clerk of the House directs, amendments being indicated, and shall not be further proceeded with until it has been reprinted. Adoption of Orders for Concurrence shall constitute an Order to bring in a Supply Bill founded on the resolutions contained therein, and founded on the resolutions contained in the deemed Concurrences made pursuant to Standing Orders 64 and 65. (b) If 12 members stand in their places when the Speaker puts the question on the motion for adoption of a report on a government bill, 30 minutes shall be allotted to an immediate report-stage debate on the motion. On a division being called in the House, the Chair of a Standing or Select Committee shall suspend the proceedings in the Committee for such time as will in his or her opinion enable members to vote in the division in the House and return to the Committee. (ii) After no more than 4 hours for a debate that takes place pursuant to clauses (c)(ii) or (iii). (“Commission de régie interne”), “Orders and Notices Paper” means the paper printed and distributed on any one Sessional day. 95. The text of the amendments to the Rules can be found at O. Reg. (ii) In a Fall meeting period from the Monday following Labour Day to the second Thursday in December. 13. (a) When a voice vote has been taken on any question, a division may be required by 5 members standing in their places. Legislative tables. 3. (e) When presenting a report the Chair of a Standing or Select Committee may move the adoption of the report if it contains a substantive motion. (c) Except in the case of motions to adjourn the debate, the Speaker shall cause any recorded division required upon any proceeding held during Orders of the Day on any morning to be deferred to the proceeding “Deferred Votes” on that same day. (b) The Committee shall consider the Supplementary Estimates of the ministries and offices selected within the time allocated pursuant to Standing Order 63 for the consideration of the main Estimates. If a recorded vote is requested by. (a) Every private bill or part of a bill of a municipal corporation providing for the consolidation of a floating debt, or the consolidation or renewal of debentures, other than local improvement debentures, stands referred to the. In exercising his or her discretion, the Speaker shall have regard to the opportunities that members of recognized Parties have to participate in debate on other members’ motions. 47. 36. 1(2) In cases not provided for in these Rules or the orders of the Assembly, the Speaker or Chairperson is to be guided by the usages and customs of the Assembly or, if there are none, by the parliamentary traditions of the House of Commons and any other Legislative Assembly in Canada, to the extent they apply to this Assembly. (a) All Supplementary Estimates shall be deemed to be referred to the Standing Committee on Estimates as they are presented to the House. (c) A member called to order shall sit down, but may afterwards explain. An independent member may state his or her Committee preference to the House Leaders but such statement of preference is not binding. members, all divisions shall be stacked, and there shall be a single 10 minute division bell. Ontario Legislature Internship Programme (OLIP), Opposition Day debates and want of confidence motions, Eligibility requirements and selection criteria, Model Parliament for High School Students, Past Winners - Speaker's Award for Youth Writers, Early postcards of the Legislative Building, Art à la Carte - Celebrating Ontario Artists. 4. If a private bill is passed, it would allow a particular person or group to claim an exemption from the general law, or it would allow something that can’t be obtained under general law. (g) No motion may be moved during a take-note debate. (b) The motion to appoint a Select Committee may contain the names of the members proposed to be members of the Committee and such motion is subject to amendment. 41. 106. (b) When the Committee has concluded its consideration of the Estimates of a ministry or office or the time established for the consideration of such Estimates has expired, the Chair shall put without further amendment or debate every question necessary to dispose of the Estimates. 134. 110. (c) Where, at the request of the applicant, a Standing Order is suspended with reference to a private bill, a charge of $50 shall be levied. (e) The answers to such written questions shall be given to the member who asked the question and to the Clerk of the House who shall print a notation in the Votes and Proceedings that the question has been answered. The time available shall be apportioned equally among the recognized Parties in the House. (b) Any Committee may authorize the Chair to hold meetings to receive evidence when a quorum is not present. The Rules and Forms of Procedure of the House of Assembly govern the proceedings of the House of Assembly and its committees. A record of any such document shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings on the day it is filed, except that where it is filed on a day that is not a Sessional day, it shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings of the next Sessional day. (b) Notwithstanding Standing Order 82(a), a bill referred under this Standing Order, when reported from the Committee, shall be ordered for second reading. If a recorded vote is requested by. (i) be signed by or on behalf of the applicant; (ii) clearly state the nature and object of the application; (iii) when the application refers to any proposed work, indicate generally the location of the work; (iv) where the application is by a municipal corporation for authority to issue debentures, set out the particulars of the existing debenture debt and the amount of the rateable property of the municipality according to the last revised assessment roll of the corporation and in brief and general terms, the object for which the new issue of debentures is required; and. (b) Where notice has been given and reasons filed, as provided in clause (a), following Private Members’ Public Business on any Tuesday or Wednesday, the Speaker shall call for the matter to be debated for not more than 10 minutes, 5 minutes to be allotted to the member raising the matter and 5 minutes to the minister or to his or her parliamentary assistant to reply if he or she so wishes. (f) Standing Committee on Government Agencies which is empowered to review and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the operation of all agencies, boards and commissions to which the Lieutenant Governor in Council makes some or all of the appointments, and all corporations to which the Crown in right of Ontario is a majority shareholder, such reviews to be made with a view to reducing possible redundancy and overlapping, improving the accountability of agencies, rationalizing the functions of the agencies, identifying those agencies or parts of agencies which could be subject to sunset provisions, and revising the, mandates and roles of agencies, and to review the intended appointments of persons to agencies, boards and commissions and of directors to corporations in which the Crown in right of Ontario is a majority shareholder, excluding reappointments and appointments for a term of. Ministries and offices assigned to Committees by Legislative Assembly Committee, 116. hour prior to raising the question in the House. (a) Question Period shall be limited to 60 minutes, including supplementary questions and points of order. 11. Recorded divisions during morning meetings, 11. the statements shall be allocated in proportion to the number of private members of each of the recognized Parties in the House. 17. 118. (a) All other Estimates not selected for consideration by the Standing Committee on Estimates shall be deemed to be passed by the Committee and shall be reported back to the House. (a) to call together all Standing and Select Committees of the House; (b) to certify whether petitions proposed to be presented by members are correct as to form and content; (d) to publish a notice of all Committee meetings for the following week and to send a copy of such notice to the Press Gallery; (e) to perform such matters of routine as may be assigned. Order or address for returns does not lapse on prorogation, 57. . (d) Whenever the Speaker adjourns the House for want of a quorum, the names of the members then present shall be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings. (e) Following ministerial statements a representative or representatives of each of the recognized Opposition Parties in the House may comment for up to a total of, minutes for each Party commencing with the Official Opposition. (d) A take-note debate shall not be designated to be taken up during afternoon Orders of the Day on a day on which notice of an Opposition Day has already been given. The Speaker may alter the application of any Standing or Special Order or practice of the House, other than those that deal with number of times or duration of time a member may speak, the timing of proceedings or the time allotted to proceedings, in order to permit the full participation in the proceedings of the House of any member with a disability. The Clerk of the House shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the House and of legislation, under the direction of the Speaker. At the end of that time the Speaker shall interrupt and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the proceeding currently occupying the House, and thereafter immediately call Orders of the Day. . 13. The member designating the bill for the purposes of Private Members’ Public Business shall have charge of the bill in any committee. (b) The minister concerned shall distribute copies of all reports to all members of the House and copies of any background material to the critics of the recognized Opposition Parties, and such distribution may be done electronically. Within 10 Sessional days following the appointment of the membership of the Standing Committees, the Clerk of the House shall convene a meeting of each Standing Committee for the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chair. > View entry in the Legislative Library catalogue. On December 4, 2019, the Assembly adopted new permanent Standing Orders, which included provisional amendments for the duration of the 42, On September 14, 2020, the Assembly adopted provisional amendments to the Standing Orders regarding modifications to the procedure for recorded divisions which came into force that same day and are valid for the duration of the 42, (1) a provisional amendment for the duration of the 42, On October 20, 2020, the Assembly adopted an amendment to the permanent Standing Orders regarding ministerial statements and a provisional amendment for the duration of the 42, The permanent Standing Orders, as amended, and the provisional Standing Orders for the duration of the 42, Business of House conducted according to Standing Orders. (c) A co-sponsor may withdraw as a sponsor of the bill at any time by providing written notice to the Clerk of the House. (i) At any time after the result of the first ballot is declared, but before the commencement of a second or subsequent ballot, a candidate may withdraw his or her name from the election, which shall then proceed as if such member had not been nominated. 51. (f) No later than 4:00 p.m. on any Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday that the House meets, the Government House Leader may indicate that no business is to be called during Orders of the Day on the next day’s morning meeting, and in such case the House shall meet at 10:15 a.m. on that next day. (2) Improper language in debate. (a) Question Period shall be limited to 60 minutes, including supplementary questions and points of order. At 5:50 p.m. on that day, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and put the question without further debate. (iv) shall be taken up upon the commencement of Orders of the Day in the afternoon on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, as the case may be, the time available being apportioned equally among the recognized Parties in the House; the time for a reply by the mover of the motion shall be included in the time apportioned to the Party of which the mover is a member; notice of an Opposition Day is filed on the same Wednesday, the Speaker shall select which one will be considered. (a) Privileges are the rights enjoyed by the House collectively and by the members of the House individually conferred by the Legislative Assembly Act and other statutes, or by practice, precedent, usage and custom. When any private bill confirming any letters patent or agreement is presented to the House, a copy of the letters patent or agreement shall be included in the bill. To be presented to the Legislative Assembly, a petition must meet the following rules: 1. Rules of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Item Description: "Rules of the Legislative assembly of Ontario approved by Assembly Monday, April 3rd 1939": p. 103-140. At 5:50 p.m. on that day, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and put the question without further debate. (d) If more than one member is proposed as Speaker, the Clerk shall, after the second nomination and after each subsequent nomination, if any, is made and seconded, ask “Are there any further nominations?”, and if there are no further nominations, the Clerk shall say “I declare the nominations closed”. Published under the authority of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. (a) No Standing or Select Committee shall consist of more than 9 members and the membership of such Committees shall be in proportion to the representation of the recognized Parties in the House. (e) In any debate where the available time is apportioned equally among the recognized Parties, the speaking time limits on individual members shall not apply. (a) Private members’ public bills may be co-sponsored by up to 4 private members of the House. (d) The time for the consideration of the Estimates of each ministry or office shall be determined by the members of the Committee who selected such Estimates for consideration. (g) No member shall have more than 10 questions on the Orders and Notices Paper at any one time. A motion for closure, which may be moved without notice, until it is decided shall preclude all amendment of the main question, and shall be in the following words: “That this question be now put”. On November 26, 2020, the Ontario Legislature approved amendments to the Courts of Justice Act and Rules of Civil Procedure in Ontario Regulation 689/20 that confirm the push to make litigation practice more efficient, and to allow for the remote adjudication of disputes. If on the Speaker’s count a quorum is present, the House shall again resolve itself into a Committee, otherwise the Speaker shall adjourn the House until the next Sessional day. 33. 136. 66. RULES OF DEBATE Member to stand and address Speaker . 105. 114. 69. 115. . 37.1 If “Deferred Votes” continues past 1:00 p.m. on Monday or Thursday or past 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday or Wednesday, the Speaker shall immediately call “Reports by Committees” once all deferred votes have been taken. are proceedings in parliament. , I didn’t find this page helpful. The Speaker shall decide on the case, without debate, and the decision of the Speaker shall be final. ministries or offices in a turn, not more than 15 hours shall be allocated to the consideration of the Estimates of both. minutes for each Party commencing with the Official Opposition, and an independent member or members may comment for up to a total of 5 minutes. (d) The bill and report shall stand referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. In debate, a member shall be called to order by the Speaker if he or she: (a) Speaks twice to a question, except in explanation of a material part of his or her speech in which he or she may have been misunderstood, in which case the member may not introduce a new matter. (c) The Clerk shall then ask “Are there any further nominations?”, and if there are no further nominations, the Clerk shall say “I declare the nominations closed”. Upon a written request signed by a majority of the members of a Standing or Select Committee, the Chair of the Committee shall convene a meeting of the Committee within 10 Sessional days following the receipt of such request by the Clerk of the Committee. (b) In the event the Committee fails to report the said Estimates on the date provided for in clause (a), the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates shall be deemed to be passed by the Committee and shall be deemed to be reported to and received by the House. hours before the bill is to be considered, and copies of such proposed amendments shall be distributed to all recognized Parties. (a) The Speaker shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of privilege and points of order. (f) Immediately after the vote, the pairs, if any, shall be declared and shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings and the Journals. 73. (b) The claim of a witness for payment shall state the number of days during which he or she was in attendance, the days necessary to travel to and from the Committee meeting and the amount of his or her travelling expenses, and shall be supported by all necessary receipts. Unless it appears to the Speaker that such motion is an abuse of the Standing Orders of the House or an infringement of the rights of the minority, the question shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate. ANNUAL REPORTS AND OTHER SESSIONAL PAPERS, 43. (b) No bill shall be considered in any Standing or Select Committee while any matter, including a procedural motion, relating to the same policy field is being considered in the House. (c) The Clerk of a Standing or Select Committee shall administer and monitor the expenditures of any such Committee and shall advise the Committee if expenditures are likely to exceed the budget approved by the Board of Internal Economy.
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