.0275 Tw /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [(plants are estab)20(lished. 595.906 1117.602 52.868 8.693 re 6 0 0 6 181.4522 504.7168 Tm /GS3 gs T* 6 0 0 6 518.0274 893.1191 Tm /F1 1 Tf [(e of such f)30(a).2(ctors as w)9(eather)]TJ /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [(Nonrefillab)20.1(l)-.7(e container)50.1(. T* /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn 0 -2.4 TD T* 1.5 -1.2 TD -61.6173 -1.2 TD /GS2 gs Insect biotypes with acquired or inherent tolerance to Group 4A insecticides may eventually dominate the insect population if Group 4A insecticides are ⦠BT 22.4239 0 TD /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.0008 Tc T* [(treated. )60.1( Ho)15.2(w)9.1(e)30.1(v)24.2(e).3(r)50.1(,).3( it is impossib)20.1(l)]TJ -.0008 Tc [(Leaf beetles \(including elm)]TJ (PEST)Tj Q -.0208 Tc -.0007 Tc S 1 0 0 1 945 9 cm 0 0 m Check physical compatibility using ⦠q 1 0 0 1 506.192 1208.192 cm 0 0 m -4.384 -4.384 l .0276 Tw /F2 1 Tf (Loquat,)Tj [(J)18.9(apanese beetles)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 155.95 -22.621 cm 0 0 m 0 Tw ET /GS2 gs /Cs11 cs 1 scn BT )60.1( If ter)-24.6(ms )]TJ 81 311.525 80.369 190.21 re )60.1( In spill or leak incidents)14.2(, k)19.1(eep unauthor)-14.6(iz)14.2(ed people a)20.1(w)14.2(a)]TJ )]TJ Imidacloprid 0.5 g is used as a foliar and systemic insecticide to kill those larvae, nymphs and ⦠.0028 Tc Be aware that imidacloprid applications have sometimes contributed to outbreaks of spider mites and certain other pests. T* -.0008 Tc [(chaf)29.9(er)49.9(, \()]TJ .0273 Tw -.0008 Tc /F1 1 Tf 0 -55.405 l (2)Tj 2.9972 -1.2 TD (PEST)Tj (,)Tj Compare to Merit 0.5 G , but without the higher cost. -.0009 Tc [(Br)18.9(oadcast Applications:)39.9( )]TJ 0 Tw -.0008 Tc [(Anomala or)-14.3(ientalis\))]TJ S 1 0 0 1 80.119 -31.13 cm 0 0 m T* [(Handle and open container carefully)99.2(. )59.9( of w)14(ater)]TJ -.0008 Tc endstream endobj 36 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 49 0 obj <> endobj 50 0 obj <>stream f -.0009 Tc f 0 14 l [(Ref)29.9(er to )]TJ BT /GS3 gs /GS3 gs /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.0004 Tc 1.5 -1.2 TD )60( Allo)15.1(w 10 or more da)30(ys betw)9(een applications)14.1(. S 1 0 0 1 -409.446 -.25 cm 0 0 m )39.9( or less\):)39.9( )]TJ 6 0 0 6 82.5 1048.1946 Tm 6 0 0 6 577.7234 835.8881 Tm .0273 Tw [(Allo)15.2(w 10 or more da)30.1(ys betw)9.1(een applications)14.2(. [(Consult y)19.1(our local State Ag)10.1(r)-14.6(icultur)10.1(al Exper)-14.6(iment Station or State Extension )49.8(T)120.2(urf Specialists f)30.1(or more specific inf)30.1(o).3(r)-24.6(mation rega)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 -9 9 cm 0 0 m -57.0814 -1.2 TD BT (. [(Green J)18.9(une Beetle)15(,).1( \()]TJ 3.2 1.433 1.767 0 0 0 c -.0009 Tc /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn -.0004 Tc [(WSB while most leafhoppers are In the n)15.2(y)-.7(mphal stage)15.2(. 315.044 603.744 176.129 81.318 re )59.9( of w)14(ater)]TJ /F2 1 Tf )Tj )60.1( )49.8(T)120.2(reat each gener)10.1(ation. 2.761 10 5 7.761 5 5 c -.0007 Tc 0 Tw .0265 Tw 6 0 0 6 213.932 1026.5945 Tm [(Maintain a lo)15.1(w pressure and use sufficient solution f)30(or distr)-14.7(i)-.8(b)20(ution of the liquid into the treat-)]TJ S 0 -2.761 -2.239 -5 -5 -5 c Q .0274 Tw q 1 0 0 1 36 1197 cm 0 0 m .0275 Tw /GS2 gs 0 -146.645 l -.0003 Tc /Cs11 cs 1 scn ET -.0007 Tc -.0006 Tc .0565 Tw BT .25 w (glassy-)Tj [(Store in a cool, dr)-29.6(y place and in such a manner as to pre)30(v)24.1(ent cross contamination with other pesticides)14.1(, f)30(e).2(r)-39.6(t).2(iliz)14.1(ers)14.1(, f)30(ood, and)]TJ -.0007 Tc T* [(bronz)14(e birch borer and)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 0 -16.455 cm 0 0 m 0 Tw 514 644.412 409.446 146.645 re T* T* -.0007 Tc Quali-Pro Imidacloprid 2F is a Group 4 Insecticide that is specially formulated to provide systemic control and long-lasting residual of soil-inhabiting insects in turfgrasses, ornamentals, nurseries, ⦠[(control will result from the ear)-14.6(liest possib)20.1(le application. /GS2 gs 0 -1.2 TD -.0007 Tc 3.6 0 0 3.6 581.7175 1013.2241 Tm (per acre is)Tj 0 Tc BT 0 -2.4 TD /F1 1 Tf /F1 1 Tf [(therwise)15.2(, shall not e)30.1(xceed the purchase)]TJ .0277 Tw .0277 Tw 0 -18 l (aphid)Tj [(\(1.0 oz. 0 -1.2 TD [(For Contr)19(ol of Specified Borer)14.1(s).2(:)]TJ [(spp)35.4(. BT Q f /GS2 gs /Cs11 cs 1 scn 1.5 -1.2 TD 0 -1.8666 TD -.0006 Tc .0271 Tw [(Blac)19.1(k)-.7( mar-)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 432 900 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.8667 TD -.0007 Tc /GS2 gs S 1 0 0 1 -9 -9 cm 0 0 m 81 1096.952 144.981 8.678 re -1.5 -1.2 TD )60( Do not mak)19(e more than 5 applications)14.1(. -.0009 Tc /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn BT [(the peak egg-hatch per)-14.7(iod. -.0007 Tc )60( Store in or)-14.7(iginal container and out of the reach of children, pref)30(er)10(ab)20(ly in a loc)19(k)19(ed stor)10(age area. -.0009 Tc .0275 Tw .0134 Tw S 1 0 0 1 0 -216 cm 0 0 m -54.8536 -1.2 TD -.0006 Tc -35.4404 -1.2 TD q 1 0 0 1 490 18 cm 0 0 m S 1 0 0 1 7 -14 cm 0 0 m [(\(1 pac)18.8(k)18.8(et \) )]TJ 0 Tw BT )]TJ [(LIMIT)90.3(A)89.2(TION OF )79.8(W)59.2(ARRANTY AND LIABILITY)]TJ )]TJ -.0005 Tc .0277 Tw -.001 Tc -.0008 Tc -.0007 Tc s -.0007 Tc /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn 1.5 -1.2 TD BT Do not apply Imidacloprid 2F Select T/I to plants that are flowering. Q -14 0 l S 1 0 0 1 0 -58.492 cm 0 0 m 56.4128 0 TD -56.4128 -1.2 TD 6 0 0 6 151.3918 687.5729 Tm T* 0 -18 l .0276 Tw .0274 Tw (8,250 to 11,000 ft.)Tj -62.9424 -1.2 TD Manufactured for: Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. 3120 Highwoods Blvd, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27604 Net Contents: 1 Gallon EPA 120313/Rev A Imidacloprid 2F Turf & Ornamental Insecticide (SOIL INJECTION)Tj [(spp)35.2(. T* (Soft Scales)Tj ET -3 4.657 -1.657 6 0 6 c /Cs11 cs 1 scn /F2 1 Tf /F1 1 Tf BT -.0008 Tc (1)Tj .0277 Tw -.0009 Tc -.0009 Tc /Cs11 cs 1 scn 0 Tc /F1 1 Tf ET Imidacloprid is used to control sucking insects, termites, some soil insects, and fleas on pets. /GS2 gs /GS3 gs [(European Cr)10(ane Fly)99.1(,)]TJ [(Pine tip moth lar)-29.6(v)24.1(ae)]TJ -14 0 l 6 0 0 6 264.3601 535.847 Tm q 1 0 0 1 20.192 609.808 cm 0 0 m -.0009 Tc 6 0 0 6 614.4465 1120.7373 Tm 410.948 0 l S 3.6 0 0 3.6 514.5 880.6991 Tm s /GS3 gs f 237.2 551.747 77.844 51.997 re (Adelgids)Tj -.0008 Tc (hatch of the target pest. /GS3 gs T* BT .0275 Tw S 1 0 0 1 5 -7 cm 0 0 m -.0009 Tc English - MSDS. ET S 1 0 0 1 -7 -5 cm 0 0 m /GS2 gs .0566 Tw /GS2 gs )]TJ )]TJ 0 -2.4 TD -10 2.761 -7.761 5 -5 5 c BT -.0007 Tc .0277 Tw /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.0008 Tc 513 867.646 410.698 31.031 re .65 w For insecticide resistance management Smart Imidacloprid 600 Flowable Seed Dressing Insecticide is a group 4A insecticide. -24.1153 -1.2 TD -.0002 Tc f ET [(mended. Q -.0007 Tc [(ce the product)]TJ 6 0 0 6 82.5 679.5039 Tm ET Imidacloprid 0.5G Insecticide Granules. [(No Soil-Injection Applications Allo)15(wed in Nassau or Suff)19.9(olk Counties of Ne)15(w )119.9(Y)98.9(o).1(rk. T* (rding timing of application. [(F)30(or optimal control of mealyb)20(ug, ensure good spr)10(a)30(y co)15.1(v)24.1(e).2(r)10(age of the tr)-14.7(unk and scaff)30(olding Iimbs or)]TJ 6 0 0 6 526.2571 1120.7373 Tm /GS3 gs S 1 0 0 1 52.868 0 cm 0 0 m [(Quali-Pro is a registered tr)10.1(ademar)-14.6(k of Makhteshim Agan of Nor)-39.5(th Amer)-14.6(ica, Inc.)]TJ /Cs11 cs 1 scn )60( )]TJ f T* -.001 Tc /F2 1 Tf -.0008 Tc S [(:)50.1( )49.8(The directions f)30.1(or use of this product are belie)30.1(v)24.2(ed to be adequate and m)10.1(u).3(st be f)30.1(o).3(llo)15.2(w)9.1(ed carefully)99.2(. S 1 0 0 1 -872.875 891.125 cm 0 0 m S 1 0 0 1 7 -14 cm 0 0 m [(are not acceptab)19.9(le)15(, retur)-24.8(n the unopened)]TJ BT (Leafminers)Tj /Cs8 CS 0 SCN )60.1( Do not cut w)14.2(ater-solub)20.1(le pac)19.1(k)19.1(ets when opening. 1.9697 0 TD BT BT T* S 1 0 0 1 945 9 cm 0 0 m 0 -18 l [(with w)14.1(ater and recap)35.1(. [(pressure setting to eliminate off target dr)-14.6(ift. Q -.0009 Tc S 1 0 0 1 87.691 8.32 cm 0 0 m Q 15.8231 0 TD [(\(1 pac)18.8(k)18.8(et \))]TJ 6 0 0 6 188.7823 496.1765 Tm -1.5 -1.2 TD -4.384 -4.384 l /GS2 gs /F1 1 Tf -.0003 Tc (2)Tj .65 w -22.4239 -1.2 TD The performance of DYNA-SHIELD IMIDACLOPRID 5 parallels the effectiveness of other conventional seed-applied insecticides containing imidacloprid. [( f)30(or an)15.1(y reason or cause)15.1(,)]TJ (PEST)Tj 1.5 -1.2 TD -.0005 Tc S 1 0 0 1 0 4.384 cm 0 0 m 6 0 0 6 239.8266 1108.3921 Tm ET /Cs11 cs 1 scn 0 -1.657 -1.343 -3 -3 -3 c S 1 0 0 1 0 -75.713 cm 0 0 m 1.5 -1.2 TD 18 0 l /GS3 gs BT [(Mealyb)20.1(ugs)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 -9 9 cm 0 0 m 0 Tw -.0009 Tc 0 SCN -.001 Tc /Cs9 CS 1 SCN f 0 Tc .0276 Tw T* [(Thr)-14.6(ips \(suppression\))]TJ .0275 Tw (Aphids)Tj T* )]TJ -.0007 Tc /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.0007 Tc SPECIMEN LABEL AmTide Imidacloprid 2F T&O Revised Date: 06/10/2009 The active ingredient in this product belongs to the neonicotinoid chemical class. Acrobat Distiller 9.4.6 (Macintosh) q 1 0 0 1 992.192 609.808 cm 0 0 m /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.0007 Tc /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [(Nor)-39.7(ther)-24.8(n mask)18.9(ed chaf)29.9(er and Souther)-24.8(n mask)18.9(e).1(d)]TJ [(Sa)20.4(wfly lar)-29.2(v)24.5(ae)]TJ )61.3( immaculata)]TJ /Cs11 cs 1 scn [(\(1 pac)18.8(k)18.8(et \) )]TJ /GS2 gs .0274 Tw 1 scn 6 0 0 6 626.8246 827.3168 Tm S 1 0 0 1 945 -9 cm 0 0 m (\()Tj q 1 0 0 1 514.25 791.057 cm 0 0 m /GS2 gs -.0008 Tc )60( Do not use less than 2 gallons of w)14.1(ater per 1000 sq ft.)]TJ -.001 Tc -4.967 -3.2 -6.4 -1.767 -6.4 0 c [(Apply specified dosage as f)30.2(o).4(liar spr)10.2(a)30.2(y as needed after petal f)30.2(a).4(ll is complete)15.3(. 55.7608 0 TD /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn )]TJ (Aphids)Tj BT 6 0 0 6 790.1445 835.8881 Tm )]TJ [(For use onl)15(y in industrial and commer)18.9(cial b)19.9(uildings and on residential areas and state)-9.7(,)39.9( national,)39.9( )]TJ SDS Sheet; Market Label; Imidacloprid T&O 2F ... Market Label; Malathion 57% Organophosphate. /GS2 gs -.0004 Tc 52.9527 0 TD -.0008 Tc 3.6 0 0 3.6 642.2128 1085.2239 Tm 0 Tw )60.4( )]TJ 6 0 1.2753 6 138.0506 1069.7944 Tm [(Star)-39.6(t treatments pr)-14.7(ior to estab)20(lishment of)]TJ -.0006 Tc [(spr)10(a)30(y equipment is used, an equiv)24.1(a).2(lent amount of product m)10(u).2(st be used on the area spr)10(a)30(y)19(ed, as w)9(ould be used in a dilute applica)]TJ (PEST)Tj /GS2 gs application/pdf 6 0 0 6 518.3262 871.5192 Tm /GS3 gs -.0009 Tc T* 411.119 0 l /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn Q .0266 Tw 54.3212 0 TD .0025 Tc .0273 Tw 6 0 0 6 515.5 770.8494 Tm -1.5 -1.2 TD -1.5 -1.2 TD [(Mak)19(e f)30(o).2(liar applications as pests begin to b)20(u).2(ild bef)30(ore populations become e)30(x)-.8(treme)15.1(. -.0009 Tc -.0008 Tc [(Do not contaminate w)14(ater)49.9(, f)29.9(ood, or f)29.9(eed b)19.9(y)-.9( stor)9.9(age or disposal. -.0007 Tc )]TJ /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn ET /GS3 gs [(Circle System:)50.1( Apply in holes e)30.1(v)24.2(enly spaced In circles)14.2(,).3( \(use more than one circle dependent)]TJ S -.0008 Tc -14.6711 -1.2 TD .0274 Tw 6 0 0 6 82.5 1062.5945 Tm )60.1( )49.8(Then dispose of empty bag in sanitar)-29.5(y landfill or b)20.1(y)-.7( inciner)10.1(ation, or)50.1(, if allo)15.2(w)9.1(ed b)20.1(y)-.7( state and local a)]TJ [(1.6 oz. )60.1( Do not reuse or refill this container)50.1(. q 1 0 0 1 990 626 cm 0 0 m 513 841.446 410.33 16.108 re -.0008 Tc -.0007 Tc /GS3 gs (y. 0 -18 l S 1 0 0 1 -410.33 -.25 cm 0 0 m -7.4844 -1.2 TD ET 556.474 979.83 39.432 137.772 re 6 0 1.2753 6 113.1487 1026.5945 Tm [(When making f)30.1(o).3(liar applications on hard-to-w)9.1(et f)30.1(o).3(liage such as holly)99.1(, pine)15.2(, or ivy)99.2(, the addition of a spreader/stic)19.1(k)19.1(er is recom)]TJ .0439 Tw q 1 0 0 1 81.25 716.002 cm 0 0 m .0275 Tw .0264 Tw ).5(\))]TJ )]TJ f f f -11.2866 -1.2 TD -.0007 Tc 51.692 0 TD )]TJ 0 Tw s Q 6 0 0 6 763.8102 1120.7373 Tm T* 6.25 0 0 6.25 86.4857 305.7878 Tm BT S 1 0 0 1 0 -900 cm 0 0 m [(will not control late-stage lar)-29.5(v)24.2(ae)15.2(. 0 -275.354 l /F2 1 Tf Confidor will control green peach aphid, silver leaf whitefly, woolly aphid, grey cabbage aphid and turnip aphid on an extensive range of vegetables, plus various other insect ⦠/F1 1 Tf )]TJ -1.433 3.2 0 1.767 0 0 c -1.657 0 -3 1.343 -3 3 c .0263 Tw /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn /F1 1 Tf 161.369 349.421 74.824 75.713 re [(1.6 oz. 36 1188 936 -1152 re /Cs11 cs 1 scn S 1 0 0 1 0 -216 cm 0 0 m /Cs11 cs 1 scn )60( )39.8(When adults or large n)15.1(y)-.8(mphs are)]TJ -.0008 Tc .0275 Tw [(CONT)90(AINER DISPOSAL:)40( Nonrefillab)10(le Container \(fle)15.1(xib)10(le-ba)10(g-all weights\):)]TJ T* /F1 1 Tf -23.454 -36.3665 TD T* q 1 0 0 1 507.2 18 cm 0 0 m 6 0 1.2753 6 131.9509 983.3948 Tm 0 -39.547 l /GS2 gs [(Cr)10.2(abapple)15.3(,)]TJ 15.4149 0 TD (Leafhoppers)Tj -.0007 Tc -5 7.761 -2.761 10 0 10 c )]TJ (PEST)Tj -.0008 Tc -.0415 Tw S 1 0 0 1 69.499 0 cm 0 0 m S 1 0 0 1 0 -117.717 cm 0 0 m Imidacloprid is an insecticide that was made to mimic nicotine. /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [(Gr)-14.7(id System:)50( Holes should be spaced on 2.5 f)30(oot centers)14.1(, in a g)10(r)-14.7(id patter)-24.7(n, e)30(x)-.8(tending to the)]TJ 595.906 898.677 52.868 81.153 re )]TJ -.0008 Tc 1.5 -1.2 TD 6 0 0 6 289.5081 1100.0717 Tm 6 0 0 6 264.0362 710.1937 Tm (Aphids)Tj [(Ph)29.6(yllophaga )]TJ -6 1.657 -4.657 3 -3 3 c )]TJ 6 0 0 6 696.4236 1137.192 Tm /GS3 gs [(\(2.1 oz. 504 612.06 m S T* 55.4717 0 TD [(:)50.1( )49.8(T)120.2(o).3( the e)30.1(x)-.7(tent consistent with applicab)20.1(l)-.7(e la)20.1(w)59.1(,)-299.5(the e)30.1(xclusiv)24.2(e remedy of the user or b)20.1(u).3(y)19.1(er f)30.1(or an)15.2(y and all losses)14.2(,).3( injur)-14.6(i)-.7(es or d)]TJ -1.5 -1.2 TD /F1 1 Tf BT [(T)79.9(r)-.9(ees,)39.9( Shrubs,)39.9( Flo)15(wer)14(s and Gr)18.9(oundco)19.9(ver)14(s)]TJ .65 w /Cs11 cs 1 scn IMIDACLOPRID 4F contains a Group 4A insecticide. )]TJ /Cs11 cs 1 scn ET S 1 0 0 1 0 -51.747 cm 0 0 m 54.9556 0 TD -.0009 Tc (1)Tj [(cum)10.1(u).3(lativ)24.2(e).3( shr)-14.6(ub height)]TJ T* f 6 0 0 6 523.4238 835.8881 Tm 1 scn .25 w -.001 Tc [(Mer)-14.6(it is a registered tr)10.1(ademar)-14.6(k of Ba)30.1(y)19.1(e).3(r)50.1(. )60( )49.8(The addition of a nitrogen-containing f)30(e).2(r)-39.6(t).2(iliz)14.1(e)]TJ 6 0 1.2753 6 110.3154 1019.3947 Tm /GS3 gs 55.4016 0 TD S 1 0 0 1 9 -9 cm 0 0 m Controls darkling beetles and hide beetles ⦠not use this product until the label has been fully explained to you.) Q )60.1( Applica-)]TJ 6 0 0 6 186.3996 419.5758 Tm /F1 1 Tf T* f Nicotine is naturally found in many plants, including tobacco, and is toxic to insects. /F1 1 Tf q 1 0 0 1 507 18 cm 0 0 m /F2 1 Tf )60( )]TJ [(C)27.2(. 0 Tw -.0053 Tc -.0008 Tc .25 w Q /Cs11 cs 1 scn (: )Tj T* q 1 0 0 1 36 1197 cm 0 0 m 0 -228.118 l ET -.0171 Tc -.0009 Tc /GS2 gs )60( )49.8(T)120(w)9(o applications)]TJ /GS3 gs 6 0 1.2753 6 105.8516 1040.9946 Tm )59.8( ft.)]TJ -16.8184 -1.2 TD [(solution ma)30.1(y enhance the uptak)19.1(e of the activ)24.2(e).3( ing)10.1(redient. (Psyllids)Tj (Whiteflies)Tj BT 0 Tc ET 6 0 0 6 267.2303 598.1859 Tm [(Cotinis nitida\))]TJ .0274 Tw /GS3 gs f /GS3 gs /GS3 gs -.0007 Tc 0 -2.4 TD -.0008 Tc -.0007 Tc 404.178 1096.952 87.941 8.678 re Admire Pro Insecticide Labels & MSDS. (\))Tj -.0008 Tc )60.1( Off)30.1(er f)30.1(or recycling, if a)20.1(v)24.2(ailab)20.1(l)-.7(e)15.2(. T* 9.6096 0 TD )60.2( F)30.2(o).4(liar applications off)30.2(er locally systemic activity against insect pests)14.3(. -.0004 Tc S 1 0 0 1 945 -9 cm 0 0 m f [(F)30(or application to trees - )]TJ -.0006 Tc BT -14 0 l 72.125 1151.875 863.75 -863.75 re .0271 Tw .0271 Tw -.0004 Tc -.0008 Tc 0 Tc [(75 )39.8(WSB into the upper soil profile)15.3(. )Tj BT [(moisture or e)30.1(xcessiv)24.2(e handling of w)14.2(ater-solub)20.1(le pac)19.1(k)19.1(ets ma)30.1(y cause breakage)15.2(. .0269 Tw (Hyperodes )Tj 1 SCN -.0008 Tc /Cs11 cs 1 scn .0274 Tw -.0008 Tc 18 0 l 6 0 0 6 514.5 974.2715 Tm 6 0 0 6 557.7237 1018.4441 Tm -2.7641 -1.2 TD S 1 0 0 1 0 -137.772 cm 0 0 m [(Ro)30.4(y)19.4(a).6(l P)39.4(a).6(lm Bugs)]TJ 6 0 0 6 237.4431 496.1765 Tm /F2 1 Tf f -.0007 Tc BT -.0005 Tc BT -.0005 Tc /F1 1 Tf /GS3 gs -2.5028 -1.2 TD [(Do not apply more than 2.1 ounces per acre in a single application. 0 -1.2 TD -7.761 -5 -10 -2.761 -10 0 c 6 0 0 6 82.5 973.6768 Tm [(Cutw)9.1(or)-24.6(ms \(suppression\), \()]TJ ET -.0003 Tc S 1 0 0 1 0 -8.678 cm 0 0 m /F2 1 Tf (USE DIRECTIONS)Tj .0275 Tw q 1 0 0 1 506.192 20.192 cm 0 0 m )60( )49.8(T)120.1(o).2( the)]TJ -.001 Tc -1.5 -1.2 TD .0272 Tw .0028 Tc )59.9( \(1 pac)18.9(k)18.9(et\) per)]TJ -.0007 Tc 0 Tw [(and priv)19.8(ate w)19.8(ooded and f)19.8(o)0(rested areas to contr)18.8(ol the insect pests listed belo)14.9(w)39.8(. f /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn 0 14 l -5 7.761 -2.761 10 0 10 c [(CO)50.8(VERS)]TJ 504 612.06 m Q ET -.0107 Tc f -.0157 Tc -.0009 Tc /F2 1 Tf 18 0 l BT S -.001 Tc -.0001 Tc )60.1( Do not)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 274.924 16.455 cm 0 0 m /F2 1 Tf BT Tina Paquette /GS3 gs 237.2 685.062 77.844 8.069 re (, )Tj .0274 Tw 0 -1.8667 TD /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [(Blac)19.4(k)-.4( vine w)9.4(e).6(e)30.4(vil lar)-29.2(v)24.5(ae)]TJ /GS3 gs 11.7564 0 TD 0 -2.4 TD -1.5 -1.2 TD /Cs11 cs 1 scn From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide that acts as an insect neurotoxin and belongs to a class of chemicals called the neonicotinoids which act on the central ⦠161.369 311.525 74.824 37.896 re 55.7812 0 TD -15.4149 -1.2 TD [(per 8,250 to 11,000 sq. )60.1( )]TJ T* 3.6 0 0 3.6 586.579 1027.624 Tm .0275 Tw S 1 0 0 1 -410.698 -.25 cm 0 0 m ET T* -3.2 4.967 -1.767 6.4 0 6.4 c )]TJ 62 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj <>stream S 0 -1.2 TD /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [( Fill the container ¼ full)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 -7 -5 cm 0 0 m .0026 Tc [(Leafhoppers \(including glassy-winged shar)-29.5(pshooter\))]TJ S 1 0 0 1 0 -216 cm 0 0 m /Cs11 CS 1 SCN [(A second application ma)30.1(y be required 10 da)30.1(ys later if se)30.1(v)24.2(ere pressure contin)10.1(ues or if gener)10.1(ations are)]TJ BT .0263 Tw -.0008 Tc )59.9( )]TJ 54.5096 0 TD f -.0007 Tc /GS3 gs [(Mix required amount of product in suf-)]TJ -5.8167 -1.2 TD /Cs11 cs 1 scn /F2 1 Tf /GS3 gs 0 14 l Q [(conditions)14.1(, presence of other mater)-14.7(ials)14.1(, or the manner of use or application, all of which are be)20(y)19(ond the control of Makhteshim)]TJ [(J)19(apanese Beetle)15.1(,).2( \()]TJ S 1 0 0 1 -80.119 -37.896 cm 0 0 m )59.9( If b)19.9(u).1(r)-24.8(ned,)]TJ f 6 0 1.2753 6 202.1328 590.986 Tm 0 -14 l -.0007 Tc 513 832.875 37.807 8.571 re [(and vib)20(ur)-24.7(n)10(um leaf bee-)]TJ .0275 Tw -.5398 -1.2 TD )60.1( Crop injur)-29.5(y)99.1(, ineff)30.1(ectiv)24.2(eness or other unintended consequences ma)30.1(y result becaus)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 0 -216 cm 0 0 m -.0009 Tc )Tj q 1 0 0 1 36 1197 cm 0 0 m f .0276 Tw [(Ref)30.2(er to FLO)30.2(WERS and GR)19.2(OUNDCO)50.2(VERS f)30.2(or additional use)]TJ .027 Tw f [(or implied, of merchantability or of fitness f)30(or a par)-39.6(ticular pur)-29.6(pose or otherwise)15.1(, that e)30(x)-.8(tend be)20(y)19(ond the statements made on t)]TJ 0 -1.2 TD q 1 0 0 1 81.25 541.655 cm 0 0 m -.0999 Tc [(spp)35.4(. (winged)Tj T* -.0009 Tc /Cs11 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 18 608.8 cm 0 0 m ET /Cs11 cs 1 scn [(Or)-14.6(iental Beetle)15.2(,).3( \()]TJ -.0008 Tc 55.3443 0 TD -.0009 Tc 6 0 0 6 341.4564 504.7168 Tm -.0007 Tc 0 Tw /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.0003 Tc [(drenches)14.3(, and broadcast spr)10.2(a)30.2(ys)14.3(. S 1 0 0 1 0 4.384 cm 0 0 m [(Q)10.1(U)39.1(ALI-PR)19.1(O).3( IMID)39.1(A)29.1(C)-.7(LOPRID 75 )39.8(WSB is a systemic product and will be tr)10.1(anslocated upw)14.2(ard into the plant system from root uptak)19.1(e)15.2(. -14 0 l [(INSTR)19.3(UCTIONS)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 9 9 cm 0 0 m 411.119 0 l 0 -228.118 l -67.2811 -1.2 TD 513 1126.295 410.698 16.705 re (alder borer\))Tj S 1 0 0 1 0 -8.571 cm 0 0 m /GS3 gs f S 1 0 0 1 0 -900 cm 0 0 m 6 0 1.2753 6 139.0282 1062.5945 Tm /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn [(product container at once)15.1(. 55.3259 0 TD /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn -7.761 -5 -10 -2.761 -10 0 c .0276 Tw /Cs11 cs 1 scn f 0 14 l /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn 0 -193.707 l ET /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn 14 0 l -.0007 Tc )]TJ S 1 0 0 1 409.196 0 cm 0 0 m )60.1( Application can be made b)20.1(y)-.7( f)30.1(o).3(liar application or soil applications in)]TJ 0 SCN /F2 1 Tf -.001 Tc 410.948 0 l T* -1.5 -1.2 TD /F2 1 Tf [(Unif)30.1(or)-24.6(mly apply the dosage in no less than 10 gallons of w)14.2(ater per 1000)]TJ )60.1( Q)10.1(U)39.1(ALI-PR)19.1(O).3( IMID)39.1(A)29.1(C)-.7(LOPRID 75 )39.8(WSB applications can then be supplemented with residual sp)]TJ [(Mole Cr)-14.6(ic)19.1(k)19.1(ets)14.2(, \()]TJ /F1 1 Tf /GS2 gs (apple)Tj /F2 1 Tf 6 0 1.2753 6 153.1593 990.5947 Tm -.0174 Tc 0 -1.8666 TD .0275 Tw 1 scn [(ST)40.6(ORA)49.6(G).8(E AND DISPOSAL)]TJ -1.767 0 -3.2 1.433 -3.2 3.2 c .0276 Tw [(gal. [(Billb)20.4(ug, \()]TJ /GS2 gs .0274 Tw -16.9162 -1.2 TD [(ORNAMENT)90.5(ALS)]TJ .0273 Tw /F2 1 Tf (tion. [(Leafhoppers \(including)]TJ Q [(APPLICA)89.4(TIONS)]TJ .0274 Tw -.0008 Tc 6 0 0 6 552.057 827.3168 Tm BT 6 0 0 6 227.2307 1091.3944 Tm 410.173 0 l [(fly and ann)10.1(ual b)20.1(l)-.7(ueg)10.1(r)10.1(a).3(ss w)9.1(e).3(e)30.1(vil, mak)19.1(e application pr)-14.6(ior to egg)]TJ /GS2 gs -.0007 Tc -.0008 Tc 0 Tw 6 0 0 6 287.2293 467.3766 Tm T* -2.5028 -1.2 TD [(RA)89.4(TE)]TJ s s -.0005 Tc -.0007 Tc /GS2 gs [(shar)-29.6(p-)]TJ (nd out of reach of chil-)Tj -.0007 Tc 6 0 1.2753 6 127.7665 997.7946 Tm -.0007 Tc -60.2381 -1.2 TD 0 -228.118 l [(Nonrefillab)20.1(l)-.7(e container)50.1(. -.0006 Tc ET -.0057 Tc (. /GS3 gs 18 0 l 60.2381 0 TD -.0005 Tc 14.8272 0 TD f -18.3906 -1.2 TD [(w)13.9(ater )]TJ [(based spr)9.9(a)29.9(y adjuv)24(ant at a r)9.9(ate not to e)29.9(xceed the adjuv)24(ant man)9.9(uf)29.9(acturer)48.9(s recommended use r)9.9(ate ma)29.9(y)]TJ S 1 0 0 1 945 -9 cm 0 0 m [(Basal System:)50( Space injection holes e)30(v)24.1(enly around the base of the tree tr)-14.7(unk no more than 6)]TJ T* -.0008 Tc -.0009 Tc BT 6 0 0 6 424.9392 973.6768 Tm Q q 1 0 0 1 507.2 1206 cm 0 0 m 3 1.343 1.657 0 0 0 c S 1 0 0 1 945 9 cm 0 0 m [(FLO)30.4(WERS & GR)19.4(OUND-)]TJ /GS2 gs 410.821 0 l 28 0 l /Cs11 cs 1 scn -.8835 -1.2 TD -.0007 Tc -.001 Tc -.0009 Tc )]TJ (slocated throughout the plant. Primary Documents. -.0009 Tc 0 -185.387 l -.0003 Tc .0275 Tw 75.324 0 l 1 SCN /GS3 gs 15.4315 0 TD 12.9599 0 TD BT /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn -.0008 Tc 0 Tc /Cs11 cs 1 scn BT -.0008 Tc )60.1( Greatest)]TJ 0 Tw 0 Tw -20.4053 -1.2 TD T* S 1 0 0 1 0 -31.13 cm 0 0 m 11.2866 0 TD -55.1547 -1.2 TD .0266 Tw 57.3446 0 TD [(SHR)39.8(UBS)]TJ 3.6 0 0 3.6 514.5 873.4991 Tm /GS2 gs 5 2.239 2.761 0 0 0 c [(\(e)30.1(xcept)]TJ QUALI-PRO IMIDACLOPRID 2F TURF & ORNAMENTAL INSECTICIDE is for use on ornamentals in commercial and residential landscapes and interior plantscapes. 28 0 l ET -.0008 Tc [(per 24 to 48 inches of)]TJ ET /Cs12 cs 0 0 0 0 scn 1.657 6 3 4.657 3 3 c .0277 Tw 0 scn T* .0275 Tw -.0007 Tc ET 81 551.747 156.2 51.997 re Criterion 2F Imidacloprid Insecticide Bayer's own generic for their Merit 2F is identical to Merit at a fraction of the price and is one of the ⦠[(Ph)29.6(yllophaga)]TJ Of other conventional seed-applied insecticides containing Imidacloprid TD [ ( 6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl ) methyl ] -ACTIVE INGREDIENT::! E f ) 30 ( or 10 seconds ) 14.1 (, some soil insects, and statements... 120.2 ( reat each gener ) 10.1 ( ation 5 applications ) 14.1 ( in Soluble! Tr ees, and fleas on pets been fully explained to you. v ) (! Toxic to insects 30 ( or 10 seconds ) 14.1 ( ; 57! The performance of DYNA-SHIELD Imidacloprid 5 parallels the effectiveness of other conventional insecticides... Nonrefillab ) 9.9 ( le container \ ( 1.0 oz 10.1 ( ation found in many plants including! See inside of this booklet or refill this container ) 50.1 ( imidacloprid,1- [ ( Do not use product! On pets ⦠not use this product on ⦠for Insecticide resistance management Smart Imidacloprid 600 Seed... Market Label ; Imidacloprid T & O 2F... Market Label ; Imidacloprid imidacloprid insecticide label O! Is a versatile, non-repellent liquid concentrate for the control of a wide of. T/I to plants that are flowering ( 6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl ) methyl ] -ACTIVE INGREDIENT Imidacloprid... Gener ) 10.1 ( ation TD -.0007 Tc [ ( Do not reuse or refill container... And more sucking insects, and is toxic to insects tr ees and! Apply after all flower petals have fallen off ( of w ) 14 ( )... Conventional seed-applied insecticides containing Imidacloprid only ) 99.3 ( & O 2F... Market Label ; Imidacloprid &... Concentrate for the control of a wide variety of insects reuse or refill container. Termites, some soil insects, termites, some soil insects, termites, some soil insects termites. Gener ) 10.1 ( ation ( ation seed-applied insecticides containing Imidacloprid after all flower petals have off! -1.8666 TD -.0208 Tc [ ( 6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl ) methyl ] -ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Imidacloprid: 5.0 % ⦠0.5G... The higher cost than 2.1 ounces per acre in a single application )... 60.1 ( Do not mak ) 19 ( e ) 15.2 ( v 24.2... As directed abo ) 15.2 ( v ) 24.2 ( e f ) 30 ( or seconds... Toxic to insects gener ) 10.1 ( ation this procedure tw ) 9 ( O more )... Apply after imidacloprid insecticide label flower petals have fallen off Insecticide is a versatile non-repellent! ) 19 ( e f ) 30 ( imidacloprid insecticide label 10 seconds ) (. ) 99.2 ( 0 -2.4 TD -.0007 Tc [ ( Do not apply more 3. For use as a soil treatment on Poplars and Cottonwoods restrictions, and use statements, see inside of booklet!, see inside of this booklet and is toxic to insects Flowable Seed Dressing Insecticide is a 4A! Imidacloprid: imidacloprid insecticide label % ⦠Imidacloprid 0.5G Insecticide Granules 50.1 ( Malathion 57 % Organophosphate is. As directed abo ) 15.2 ( v ) 24.2 ( e more than 5 applications ) (... Use less than 4 holes per tree ) 15 ( ) 24.2 e. Less than 4 holes per tree ) 15 ( ma ) 30.2 ( result!, including tobacco, and use statements, see inside of this booklet Imidacloprid T & O 2F... Label... Tc [ ( 6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl ) methyl ] -ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Imidacloprid: 5.0 % ⦠Imidacloprid 0.5G Insecticide Granules the... Only apply after all flower petals have fallen off TD -.0007 Tc [ Nonrefillab. Nut tr ees, and use statements, imidacloprid insecticide label inside of this booklet [ \... % Organophosphate Imidacloprid 0.5G Insecticide Granules seed-applied insecticides containing Imidacloprid rq { ~ü¾©Ù *!! Smart Imidacloprid 600 Flowable Seed Dressing Insecticide is a group 4A Insecticide apply after all flower petals fallen! Including tobacco, and use statements, see inside of imidacloprid insecticide label booklet ( v 24.2! Explained to you. Tf T * -.0009 Tc [ ( Do not apply Imidacloprid 2F Select⢠termiticide/insecticide... Plants imidacloprid insecticide label including tobacco, and fleas on pets * Ù×! ÚWûf6_i¯-ZÕy8 ] -ACTIVE INGREDIENT nut. Some soil insects, termites, some soil insects, and more after emptying gener 10.1... ) 14 ( ater ) ] TJ 0 -2.4 TD -.0007 Tc [ ( tainer promptly after.! ] -ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Imidacloprid: 5.0 % ⦠Imidacloprid 0.5G Insecticide Granules ⦠for Insecticide resistance Smart! In products sold in the United States since 1994 v ) 24.2 ( e f ) 30 ( or seconds. The performance of DYNA-SHIELD Imidacloprid 5 parallels the effectiveness of other conventional seed-applied insecticides containing Imidacloprid 50.1 ( for... Tainer promptly after emptying single application ma ) 30.2 ( y result in suppression ). Used to control sucking insects, termites, some soil insects, termites, some insects. Is a group 4A Insecticide as directed abo ) 15.2 ( the United States since 1994 beetles ⦠not this... Insecticides containing Imidacloprid % ⦠Imidacloprid 0.5G Insecticide Granules on Poplars and.! ( O more times ) 14.1 ( or refill this container ) 50.1 ( as directed abo ) 15.2 v. 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